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Spring Cleaning Made Easy! – Andre Blog

The best way to revive your home is to add life to your home by doing some tidying. You can take little steps to refresh your house when you’ve completed everything you can within the time frame of the quarantine. small home décor accents as well as fresh finishes for your furniture can transform your space So don’t be content with only the surfaces! In this short video we’ll discuss the five steps you must take to have an enjoyable spring cleaning this year.

First, get rid of clutter. Remove all clothing that you didn’t use in the last year. Get rid of all old makeup and mail. Next, organize. Make sure you have designated areas to store your items, then place everything in the proper location. Then cleaning is over, it’s time for you to wash. You can use all-purpose cleaner or windex to scrub your surfaces, including shelves. The next step is to make your own storage containers or buy brand new containers. If you organize your home put in place today, next year’s spring cleaning should be far easier!


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