Have you experienced sexual assault? This kind of experience could result in you feeling scared as well as angry and confused. This video can provide you with tips on what you should take next. This video offers answers to some frequently asked questions about this type of offense.
The first thing you must be able to do is notifying the perpetrator directly with the authorities. If you experience a sexual offense in the workplace, report it to your employer as well as the police.
Do I require a lawyer for sexually victimized? The public prosecutor will handle the criminal case against the perpetrator who attacked you. You will need a lawyer in order to file a civil case against the person who attacked you. If you believe this attack was caused due to negligence, you can bring the civil suit against your employer.
What can an attorney be able to do? A lawyer can investigate the assault, collect evidence, create a case, and prepare to put it in front of a jury. However, such cases tend to be settled outside of courts.
Can I file a civil lawsuit if I am being investigated for a criminal charge relating to sexual assault? Yes, you can and ought to. The reason is that there is a limitation period. It typically takes two years to expire after the date that the sexual offense occurred. Here are answers to the most commonly-asked inquiries about sexual assault.